
Salon Industry

Why Self-employed workers are damaging our industry and could close your Salon.

Why Self-employed workers are damaging our industry and could close your Salon. We all know that we are part of an amazing industry which can reward our creative emotions, personal ambitions and more importantly our financial needs. As a Salon Coach, every day I see the potential that salons have, observing their business is hugely […]

Why Self-employed workers are damaging our industry and could close your Salon. Read More »

Salon marketing needs a bit more thought ….

Time to have some fun with your business. When we visit salons, Salon-help.co.uk focus on cost control, communication and business presentation before we develop your marketing plan. Our marketing plans are different for every salon because the opportunities are different in every salon. However, what we do with all salons is develop a combination of traditional,

Salon marketing needs a bit more thought …. Read More »

Guardian Article

Hairdressing is not an obviously dangerous occupation. Yet working in a hair salon or a barber’s shop can provoke skin conditions, musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis and tendonitis and work-related asthma. Now Usdaw, the shopworkers’ union which represents many of Britain’s estimated 140,000 hairdressers, is calling for a “new deal” to protect them. Paddy Lillis,

Guardian Article Read More »